When To Move Your Child From Full-Day To Half-Day Preschool

When you put your son or daughter in preschool, it's common to start by having him or her attend half-day preschool for a year, and then moving up to full-day preschool afterward. Some parents decide to skip the half-day scenario, however, and enroll their children in the full-day option right away. Many children thrive in full-day preschool, but this isn't always the case. It's possible that you may notice some struggles with your child and are concerned about how to proceed.

Does Your Child Care Provider Encourage Imaginative Play?

Children are known for having vivid imaginations that can make playtime fun and exciting. Imaginative play does more than just keep a child entertained. This type of play can have significant developmental benefits as well. Children who engage in imaginative play often are more likely to develop language, critical thinking, and symbolic thinking skills. Each of these is a skill that can benefit a child throughout his or her life.